With the support of Clas Ohlson Foundation, Plan International works to ensure access to high-quality, inclusive education for refugee children in Cameroon.
14-year-old Léa comes from a small community in northern Cameroon. An area repeatedly attacked by armed groups that forced people, including Léa and her family, to flee. Survival was priority one, even if it meant the children would lose their education. Most of the communities the family arrived at did not have a functioning school. As a result, Léa has missed school for over a year.
Léa has determinately tried to convince her family that she should return to school. She has been allowed to move in with her brother in a relatively safe area, where many other refugees live.
It was there that she came into contact with Plan International, who supported her with an education kit consisting of a backpack, notebooks, pencils and other necessary school supplies. After a three-week crash course to make up for lost education, she got the opportunity to re-enroll in the regular school system.
“It feels great to be back at school, and the education has revived my dream of becoming a nurse, so I can help those most vulnerable where I live,” says Léa happily.
Léa’s teachers think she is doing well, and in several areas she stands out among other students.
Léa’s brother agrees:”Léa loves school. She works hard, is helpful and determined. With as little support as school supplies, she can go a long way, and become what she wants.”